The Boat Bike Tours loyalty discount


Discover the rewards of loyalty with Boat Bike Tours! Whether you’ve sailed with us before or are considering your first journey, we value your trust and look forward to welcoming you aboard soon.
As a gesture of appreciation, we’re pleased to offer you our exclusive Loyalty Discount.

Benefits of our Loyalty Discount:

  • Receive a discount code upon completion of your tour.
  • Enjoy savings on any of our upcoming trips in 2025.
  • The validity period of your discount will be detailed in the post-tour email.
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Amsterdam Round tour.
Premium Experience the higher levels of comfort, smaller groups and extra’s.
Historic Hanseatic cities - Guided Beautiful landscape, historical towns

Bike along the Rhine & IJssel

Visit fascinating Hanseatic cities

Learn about the lovely reclaimed polderlands

Premium barges with max. 20 – 40 passengers

Duration of the tour.
travel time 8 days
4 stars
13 Reviews
  • Guided cycling: A tour leader will guide you during the cycling days
  • Independent cycling: No tour leader, the ships’ crew does daily briefing, independent cycling
guidance Guided cycling
  • Level 1: easy tours, very flat terrain
  • Level 2: quite easy tours, mostly flat terrain
  • Level 3: requires a higher level of exertion, medium hilly terrain
  • Level 4: for experienced cyclists, hilly terrain with climbs
Difficulty level 1 Difficulty level 1
Enkhuizen Round tour.
Premium Experience the higher levels of comfort, smaller groups and extra’s.
Islandhopping Netherlands Premium A UNESCO World Heritage Experience

Pretty harbor towns Enkhuizen & Stavoren

Incl. visits Ecomare & Planetarium Eise Eisinga

Texel & Terschelling islands bike trips

4-Mast Sailing ship with max. 38 passengers

Duration of the tour.
travel time 8 days
no reviews
0 Reviews
  • Guided cycling: A tour leader will guide you during the cycling days
  • Independent cycling: No tour leader, the ships’ crew does daily briefing, independent cycling
guidance Guided cycling
  • Level 1: easy tours, very flat terrain
  • Level 2: quite easy tours, mostly flat terrain
  • Level 3: requires a higher level of exertion, medium hilly terrain
  • Level 4: for experienced cyclists, hilly terrain with climbs
Difficulty level 1 Difficulty level 1
Auxerre One way tour. Possible in both directions. Moret sur Loing
Premium Experience the higher levels of comfort, smaller groups and extra’s.
Auxerre/Sens - Moret | Northern-Burgundy The land of good living

Bike through beautiful countryside

Art and culture in Sens and Auxerre

Enjoy great Burgundy wines

Premium Barges with max. 24 passengers

Duration of the tour.
travel time 8 days
5 stars
33 Reviews
  • Guided cycling: A tour leader will guide you during the cycling days
  • Independent cycling: No tour leader, the ships’ crew does daily briefing, independent cycling
guidance Guided cycling
  • Level 1: easy tours, very flat terrain
  • Level 2: quite easy tours, mostly flat terrain
  • Level 3: requires a higher level of exertion, medium hilly terrain
  • Level 4: for experienced cyclists, hilly terrain with climbs
Difficulty level 1 Difficulty level 1
Cochem - Metz
Cochem One way tour. Possible in both directions. Metz
Premium Experience the higher levels of comfort, smaller groups and extra’s.
Cochem - Metz or Metz - Cochem Premium Fine German wines and rich Roman history

Gentle vineyard biking in 3 countries

Learn about Roman history in Trier

Taste the region’s fine Riesling wines

Barge with max. 31 passengers

Duration of the tour.
travel time 8, 9 days
5 stars
92 Reviews
  • Guided cycling: A tour leader will guide you during the cycling days
  • Independent cycling: No tour leader, the ships’ crew does daily briefing, independent cycling
guidance Guided cycling
  • Level 1: easy tours, very flat terrain
  • Level 2: quite easy tours, mostly flat terrain
  • Level 3: requires a higher level of exertion, medium hilly terrain
  • Level 4: for experienced cyclists, hilly terrain with climbs
Difficulty level 1 Difficulty level 1
Paris One way tour. Possible in both directions. Epernay
Premium Experience the higher levels of comfort, smaller groups and extra’s.
Paris - Epernay or Epernay - Paris | Champagne Enjoy the great Champagne region

E-Bike tour the Champagne area’s rolling hills

Famous champagne cellars in Epernay

Paris, a must-see for Europe visitors

Barge with max. 24 passengers

Duration of the tour.
travel time 8 days
4 stars
19 Reviews
  • Guided cycling: A tour leader will guide you during the cycling days
  • Independent cycling: No tour leader, the ships’ crew does daily briefing, independent cycling
guidance Guided cycling
  • Level 1: easy tours, very flat terrain
  • Level 2: quite easy tours, mostly flat terrain
  • Level 3: requires a higher level of exertion, medium hilly terrain
  • Level 4: for experienced cyclists, hilly terrain with climbs
Difficulty level 1 Difficulty level 1
Paris One way tour. Possible in both directions. Montargis
Premium Experience the higher levels of comfort, smaller groups and extra’s.
Paris - Montargis or Montargis - Paris Royal splendor of the Seine Valley

Bike in the Forest of Fontainebleau

Royal history of Fontainebleau Castle

Impressionist Barbizon & Moret-sur-Loing

Barge with max. 20 passengers

Duration of the tour.
travel time 8 days
5 stars
34 Reviews
  • Guided cycling: A tour leader will guide you during the cycling days
  • Independent cycling: No tour leader, the ships’ crew does daily briefing, independent cycling
guidance Guided cycling
  • Level 1: easy tours, very flat terrain
  • Level 2: quite easy tours, mostly flat terrain
  • Level 3: requires a higher level of exertion, medium hilly terrain
  • Level 4: for experienced cyclists, hilly terrain with climbs
Difficulty level 2 Difficulty level 2