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The world is your oyster! In 2025 we’ll be expanding our horizons, taking you to new destinations. And we can promise you one thing: our travel offerings will be sunnier and more exciting than ever before. We’re heading to countries outside of Europe for the first time! Not only that, but you can book more trips to the sunny south than ever before.

On the other hand, would you prefer to travel in a more temperate climate? Then discover our new – and just as beautiful – tours in Germany! Are you curious what else Boat Bike Tours will surprise you with next year? In this post, we’ll reveal what new and exciting options you can expect next season!

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See our tours in 2025

New countries

Our merger with travel provider Island Hopping has opened up a world of new possibilities. We’re proud to be able to offer you more destinations and trips than ever before. In 2025 you’ll be able to explore the rugged beauty of Scotland by bike and boat with us for the first time! There are also more tours where you can immerse yourself in the sunny island world of Greece and Croatia. And finally, we’re taking you on our very first tours outside of Europe – to Turkey and Vietnam!

Even more sailing tours in Italy and Scandinavia

Our cycling and sailing trips to the Aeolian Islands, which are off the Italian coast, and to Sweden and Denmark have only been part of our program for a short time, but they’re already a complete success! The tours this year were fully booked within a few weeks. That’s why we’re offering even more departures next year!

The most beautiful German rivers

Is traveling to very warm places not quite your thing? Then explore the most beautiful German river landscapes with Boat Bike Tours. Here, too, there are two new additions to our range:

  • Embark on board the Arkona and discover the best of both worlds: we’ll take you to see the highlights in the Upper Rhine Valley, through forests, to the famous castles and the legendary Lorelei Rock. Then we’ll continue through the lovely Moselle valley with its varied landscapes and good wines.
  • Or travel on the Princesse Royal through the heart of Germany, along the beautiful and pristine Main River. Cycle through typical German landscapes and stroll through the beautiful historic cities of Aschaffenburg and Bamberg.


Luxury on the Wadden Sea

What a sight! When our Leafde fan Fryslân enters the harbor, she attracts a lot of attention! And that’s no wonder, because the stately four-master is the largest sailing ship in the Netherlands. In the coming season you can once again experience the unique nature of the Wadden Sea on our Leafde. But this time you’ll enjoy a little more luxury because for 2025 it will receive the premium label. That means upgraded cabins and individually-controlled air conditioning. There are also two tour leaders on board. This trip is our first Sail & Bike Wadden Sea tour with guided bike tours – perfect if you want to feel a bit pampered.

Freedom on two wheels

We can also take this opportunity to announce something new in the Netherlands. Starting in 2025, we’ll be offering our first tulip trip with independent cycling – with a map and an app, but moving at your own pace without a tour leader. Book the tulip tour on the De Holland and enjoy the freedom to explore the Netherlands on your own!

An e-bike revolution in France

There are so many beautiful landscapes in France and a surprising number of well-developed cycle paths. We want you to be able to fully enjoy the amazing scenery. That’s why we’re offering all our tours in France exclusively with e-bikes starting in 2025. This means you can cover more distances every day and explore the hilly landscape with ease. Since everyone rides with the same e-bikes, this ensures a more consistent pace. Curious about our France tours? Discover our routes between Paris and Bruges or Paris and Montargis, through Champagne, and in Northern Burgundy.

A year full of new adventures

Boat Bike Tours Managing Director, Laurens Winkel, is looking forward to a year full of new travel adventures. “We have some great new products in our range and have become the most comprehensive provider of cycling and boat trips in Europe. We look forward to welcoming you on board our ships and exploring the world together.”

Can we help you?

With new destinations, improved ships and even more tours, 2025 is the year your travel dreams can come true. Pack your bags – adventure awaits! Can we help you find the perfect bike and boat trip for you? Our travel experts would be happy to help you book your dream tour. Just contact us online or call us at +31 20 72 35 400 so that we can help you!

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See our tours in Europe