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Update 5 May 2023:

The Boat Bike Tours travel programs for 2024 can be downloaded in 3 languages from our 2024 Dropbox.
As soon as there are changes, additions or other updates, we immediately add them to Dropbox.

Our image bank with pictures of tours and ships and some short video clips, including some “white label” versions, are available in the Boat Bike Tours albums on FLICKR.
Registered partners can use these images and clips (with acknowledgment – see also file name) in connection with the publication of our tours. As soon as new photos and videos are available, they will be added by us.

Registered partners can access and use our “online partner booking tool”: with this tool, you can check real-time availability and make options and bookings directly in our reservation system. Our partner booking tool is available by clicking THIS LINK (works best in Chrome). If you do not (yet) have login details, or cannot find them, or if you have any other question, please send your questions to: partner (at) boatbiketours (dot) com

Our consumer website also provides all current information, prices and data. Please note that on this website we do not only publish the trips organized by Boat Bike Tours itself, but also a selection of cycling cruises organized by our foreign partners.