13 Jun 2016

Dan & Rosie - Toronto, Canada

This was our second time using Boat Bike Tours for our trip. The first trip was Bruge to Amsterdam, this latest trip was Paris to Epernay. First off, a boat bike tour is really a great way to travel if you enjoy biking. You get to see a lot of the country and small towns without ever having to pack up and move hotels every day, you never have to figure out what restaurant to eat at, what part of town to stay in or deal with driving a car in a new country. You get to see so much all from the view of your bike saddle while being in the outdoors. The crew and staff on the Zwaantje were fantastic, pleasant, the boat was clean, well equipped and the meals were top notch. Martijn is an experienced and funny captain, he and his wife made everyone feel comfortable. Our chef and housekeeper were a lovely couple, friendly, great food, always ready to help with any request and just really nice people. Gert our guide was very knowledgeable about things and a very good cyclist but I felt sorry because he was constantly having to make trip adjustments and concessions so much of his time was trying to figure alternate routes. Our problem was with a large portion of our tour group itself. The tour states that the riding is somewhat challenging with hills and long rides however 16 out of the 22 people on our tour were members of a bicycle tour group in America who were not up to the challenges of the tour. Since they could not handle the hills and cycling routes our tour guide was forced to make changes to accomodate them constantly due to time constraints or because they simply would not ride. We were constantly waiting at the top of climbs for stragglers and once they arrived they demanded rest. Within 30 minutes the group would be so stretched that we would have to continually stop and wait for slow and struggling riders to catch up. There were complaints about how difficult the riding was but yet everyone demanded to ride every day. We missed out on some attractions and towns and had several day rides cut short and diverted because we were running late or the group was simply not up to the challenge. And since they were the majority their complaints over ruled the rest of the group and we were forced to go along with their reduced itinerary. Prior to the trip, my wife and I read the description very closely and were even worried about our cycling skills on the trip, we were fine, it is a bit challenging but not over difficult but I do not think anyone in the cycling group took heed in the literature and just decided since they had cycling shorts and gear that they could cycle up and down the river valleys. Also one other complaint not related to Boat Bike or it’s staff was that it was clearly stated that breakfast was at 8-9 am and early coffee at 7:30 if you wanted… We listened and adhered to this request but the cycling group was up early around 6:30 am with no respect to those that may be sleeping or having a quiet morning. They would be yelling “Good morning” to each other across the boat and in the below decks, using hair dryers before the requested time of 7:30 and generally just being loud with out any concern for others. When we arrived for breakfast at 8 (the assigned time) the breakfast choices were picked over and scraps remained and people were reaching around us and pushing in to make their lunches while we were just trying to cobble a breakfast together. Since they were all familiar with each other they saw nothing wrong with it. The captain repeatedly told them when breakfast was but that went in one ear and out the other. Their complaining and lack of cycling skill had our tour guide scrambling to find alternate routes and try to make it easy for them. We did have fun, we went on our own the last day and had a long lovely ride and lunch in a town we happened upon… the scenery was beautiful and the attractions we did get to see were appreciated although sometimes rushed since we had to begin our slow bike ride in order to make it back to the boat in time. Altogether a great staff, ride, experience… my suggestion is possibly find out if there is a large group booked on your dates because they can take over a tour with their sheer numbers and make it into their tour instead of the planned tour.

Reply from Boat Bike Tours 15 Jun 2016

Thanks for taking time to write your review. We are happy to read you were very content with the crew on board the Zwaantje. Most of the time we have a mixed group of different nationalities on board and is the atmosphere very relaxed and in good harmony. That’s also one of the nice parts of our holidays. I feel sorry for you that during your tour the group cohesion was not that what you had except. If you would like to book another time, we can inform you about the number of others guests. Please feel free to ask for more information.

9 Jun 2016

| Volker and Ruth Dietel

Lovely tour, good bikes, nice people, wonderful food(!) Helmut was a very competent guide. We enjoyed this way of discovering beautiful Italian towns and citys. We were on the Vita Pugna and liked biking in the small group.

Reply from Boat Bike Tours 10 Jun 2016

Hi, thanks for your review about the tour in Italy. Many thanks for your positive feedback and for your kind words regarding the crew.

8 Jun 2016

Kevin Kevin and Carol Rannow

The Boat Bike Tour we went on was a wonderful start to our first trip to Europe. The accommodations were adequate and comfortable. The food was excellent with plenty throughout the trip. The bikes we used were solid and suited the terrain we rode on. Our tour leader was knowledgeable and friendly. The boat crew were helpful, friendly and very courteous to all of the travelers. It was a busy week and we made lots of friends from various countries and had a wonderful time on our boat/bike trip from Amsterdam to Bruge.

Reply from Boat Bike Tours 10 Jun 2016

Thanks so much for taking time to write a review. Your compliments made us smile, we sent your nice words forward to the crew on board. We wish you a pleasent stay in Europe and maybe you will book another bike and barge tours with your new cycle friends :-).

8 Jun 2016


Sailing was fun. Islands were beautiful. Could have done a little bit more biking. Crew was great. Definitely need better biking maps and descriptions of where to go and what to see. Mostly had to figure that out for yourself.

Reply from Boat Bike Tours 10 Jun 2016

Thanks for your review. We sent your compliments ánd suggestions about maps etc. forward to the crew so that they can improve the tour.

8 Jun 2016

Brian Dekker and Anita Jackel

The boat was old and quite small, but still cosy and comfortable. The crew were great as was the food, especially the desserts. The biking was very basic over mostly paved and level bike paths. There were some gravel parts that would have been better ridden on a bike with suspension. Overall we quite enjoyed our experience.

Reply from Boat Bike Tours 8 Jun 2016

Thanks for your review. We will send your suggustions forward to our partner.

1 Jun 2016

Marylise Ballarin-Devins

Excellent bateau, excellente équipe sur le bateau. Le guide était une personne très instruite et pas du tout avare de ses explications; dommage qu’il n’attendait jamais le dernier de la file de 20 personnes pour les commencer.. et dommage aussi qu’il n’a pas adapté sa vitesses à la majorité des cyclistes. Malheureusement le descriptif n’indiquait pas que les sorties à vélo était OBLIGATOIREMENT EN GROUPE. Or, un groupe de 20 personnes, c’est pénible, tant pour le guide que pour les cyclistes. De plus, tout le monde n’a pas forcément envie de rouler ensemble et à la même vitesse et surtout de faire les sempiternelles visites de mémoriaux aux guerres. C’était pour moi la 4ème fois que je faisais un voyage avec BoatBikes et c’était aussi la 1ère fois que je rencontrais cette situation, je devrai faire une demande d’information explicite la prochaine fois à ce sujet. Je voulais aussi me rendre sur le bateau avec mon propre vélo électrique (ce que j’ai déjà fait au préalable), ce qui m’a été refusé lors de la réservation car il y avait manque de place sur le bateau, ce qui s’est avéré faux. Mon amie et moi sommes tombées avec tout un groupe d’américains qui faisaient ce voyage ensemble, donc nous étions un “appendice” de ce groupe.

Reply from Boat Bike Tours 7 Jun 2016

Merci beaucoup pour votre réaction. I will continue in English, I hope that’s ok for you. We have send your experience forward to the tour leader. It’s a pity you didn’t discuss your points with the tour leader. He told the group that you have the possibility to make individual tours. At the end of the week some people make some tours on their own. Most of the time we have a mixed group of different nationalities on board, but sometime one nationality is in the majority. We can’t influence that. For a next time, don’t hesitate to ask for more information about the tour leader, other guests etc.

1 Jun 2016

Marino Barsotti

Beautiful week on board and cycling through the roads on north Holand. The leader,Margret, was carefully and ready to take a solution to all your problems, and very clear during the daily briefings. The cabins clean and the waiters very polite. All of them deserve 5 stars. The missing star is due to the time of dinner, 6 pm.

Reply from Boat Bike Tours 1 Jun 2016

Thanks for your review and the compliments regarding the tour leader and the crew. What time of dinner would you prefer?

25 May 2016

Nestor Schor and Marimelia Porcionatto

Opportunity to have a hotel and bike tour. Different views every day.

Reply from Boat Bike Tours 27 May 2016

Thanks for your review.

25 May 2016

Orrin and Carolyn Mahoney

We are casual bikers, but occasionally do 25 mile trips here at home. We did every leg of the trip, over 180 miles total and it was great. We did luck out as we had only a short period of rain. Everything about the trip met or exceeded our expectations. The barge we were on, the Magnifique II, was well set up and the food was very good. The bike guide was knowledgeable and interesting. It is an amazing way to see, hear, and even smell, the countryside. The stops along the way were also interesting, especially Ghent and Antwerp, places I would not ordinarily visit.

Reply from Boat Bike Tours 27 May 2016

Hi, thanks for your review. Reading your review seems you had a good time on the bike and on board. That's make us smile.

25 May 2016

Andrei Vermont (OH, USA)

A very nice tour at a very reasonable price. Extremely smoothly organized, like clockwork. A energetic, super-efficient, always available, tireless guide: Margriet. Excellent bike support from two onboard technicians. Excellent bikes (I used an electric one). Somewhat aged boat, very well maintained, without any technical hitch. Will plan next for a trip to Bordeaux with the same company. Full endorsement.

Reply from Boat Bike Tours 25 May 2016

Thanks for your compliments regarding the tour leader and the crew. I sent it forwards to them. Great you're intending to plan another bike and barge tour. If you need more information etc, just ask. We are looking forward to welcome you on board again.

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