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De Amsterdam
13 Sep 2021


Fabulous experience and ready to go again.

30 Aug 2021

Imre Balogh

Nagyon jó szervezés. Rengeteg látniváló és még sportnak sem utolsó. A Covid helyzetben is kellemes kikapcsolódás és pihenést nyújtott.

19 Sep 2019

Rosemary Jansen

Southern Tour – my husband and I had a great week seeing more of Holland than we could imagine. We were on De Amsterdam. The boat is beautiful, the food was fabulous. Tour guides spoke English and everyday we went over the next days tour. We had ebikes. I was happy we had those because, we had some windy days and the dunes were hilly. Plus, we biked near 50 km everyday. It was a breeze with the ebike! The week was memorable and we really enjoyed it! Great trip with a group. Thank you for a great week!

14 Jul 2019

Margaretha Mellor

What a fantastic time we had! We loved the cycling routes, the adventure of navigation, the scenery, the coffee and beer stops and the excellent planning of these trips. The floating hotel was lovely, meals excellent and well executed. Would love to do this again!

7 Jul 2019

Kwee Suki

Japka (younger tour leader) can be less condescending to passengers who do not follow every bike ride. Everyone shd b allowed to make a choice even if it’s a boat bike tour

20 Jun 2019


Hi, It was a wonderful trip and all of the staff,food etc were exceptional. Unfortunately our cabin 134 was badly ventilated and had a terrible odour.They provided some air freshener which did not work. Needs immediate attention.

31 May 2019


Excellent organisation and guides on our barge trip

9 May 2019


Wifi was spotty and sometimes never worked in the cabin. Great staff… Among the rides, time is too limited to discover the small towns passed. It feels like you are rushed. If the rides were more flexible instead of being too long you can venture more. The price of the trip is very decent, therefore the amenities do reflect that. I enjoyed all very much. I would highly recommend it.

2 May 2019

Jak Yaemsiri

Loved everything during our Boat and Bike tour of Southern Netherlands. Only one warning, make sure to rent electric bike, you will be glad you had one.

1 May 2019

Rolf Nahrings

unsere Reise mit der MS de Amsterdam hatte leider einen gravierenden Mangel In unserer Kabine in diesem Fall die Kabine mit der Nummer 126 war ein ständiges Geräusch der Klimaanlage bzw Lüftung zu hören. Sodass an einen ruhigen Schlaf nicht zu denken war. Auf unsere Beschwerde hin konnte weder der Manager noch der Kapitän für Abhilfe sorgen auch eine andere Kabine stand nicht zur Verfügung. normalerweise hätten wir die Reise abgebrochen aber aufgrund der sonstigen guten Umstände sind wir an Bord geblieben. Aus diesem Grunde können wir diese Reise nicht weiterempfehlen.

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