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Social media, what fun it is to follow everyone and hopefully you follow Boat Bike Tours too. We would like to give some tips to support each other even more. We notice that guests who have been on our tours often follow and add the tour guides on Facebook and/or Instagram. So together we have a lot of great followers and we would love them to join us again on one of our Boat Bike Tours. Therefore a few tips to support our Boat Bike Tours community on social media!

1. Like and follow our Facebook pages

You can like and follow BBT Facebook pages in order to get the newest information, see relevant content and share our posts.

Links to our Facebook pages: (english and dutch posts) (german posts)

Link to our Instagram page:

You can like it by clicking on “Like” and you can follow it by clicking on “Follow” (therefore you need to click on the three points … first).

2. Share your facebook and instagram account

BBT is following many tour guides with the ‘Judith BBT’ account. Should we not follow you yet, please feel free to invite ‘Judith BBT’. We use this channel to share your content with our followers. So win win!

3. Share content from our Facebook pages

When visiting our Facebook page youcan see the button ‘Share’ under each picture or post. With this button you can share content from our Facebook page on yours.

You can share each content you like: a tour you already made, the tulips in the Netherlands, …
When sharing the posts you can write a few words about the tours or talk about your own experiences.

BBT posts in different languages: English, German and Dutch. You can choose which ones you want to share.

4. Comment our posts

When we are posting a picture or a video from a tour you know, you canlike the post or share some positive reactions (heart, happy emoji). Or even better, you canuse the comment function in order to share the post with some personal experience regarding the shown tour.

When commenting the post you can always refer to your follower with the @, in order to show them the post and tell them about your further experience with Boat Bike Tours.


5. Post pictures of the tours

Whenever you are on a BBT tour, you can post your favorite pictures on social media. Either on your Facebook page with a link to our site (we can than re-post it) or you send us the pictures so we can post them mentioning with your Facebook page.
You can post pictures of biking guests, life on board and of the highlights of the tour. Please add 1-2 sentences about your experience on the specific tour and tag us using #boatbiketours.

For example ,,

6. Post story’s of the tours

There is a function on Facebook as well as on Instagram where you can post pictures or videos in your personal story. The content will than be available for 24 hours for all your followers. You can mention us with @boatbiketours or search for our page, so that we can repost your story in ours.
This story should be posted when you are on a tour, as you can immediately make a picture and post it. On the pictures you can also write a few words about the tours, as you just need to click on the pictures and type in the words. You can tell the people which tour is it or what is shown on the picture (city, historical place, …).

Facebook story: When you are on your personal Facebook profil you need to click on “Add to Story” and in the next step you can choose between a photo story and a text story. Choose one of them and create the story regarding one of our tours. Than you need to publish it on your profil, so that people can view it.

Instagram story: When you are on your personal Instagram profil you need to click on “Your Story”. Than you can choose a pictures from the gallery of your smartphone and edit it with the given options. Than you need to publish it in your own story, so that people can view it.


6. Post specific content

Depending on current and relevant topics all over the world, you could post pictures regarding this. For example E-Bikes are very popular nowadays, therefore you could post a picture with an E-Bike and write something about your expertise.
Moreover you can post interesting facts or pictures about highlights of the tours, the tulips or interesting attractions. This could be facts about the Adam Lookout, the food on board, the crew on board, Kinderdijk, Keukenhof, ….
If you do not know what to write about, you can take specific content as well as pictures from our websites, in order to represent the topic in a professional way. Tag us in each post you make, so that we can repost it and refer to it on our page.
Furthermore, you can post interesting fact about your tourguide life:

  • Your first boat bike tour
  • The way guided tours are made
  • Your favourite tour
  • Why should people choose boat bike tours for their holiday
  • Tips for interested people

Please use Tag #boatbiketours

For example ,,

7. Post throwbacks

Especially during corona and while there are no boat bike tours, you could post throwbacks from tours you made the years before. Showing some pictures from happy people on our tours, your experience as a tourguide or even how your life looks like now. This personal content is authentic and inspirational for your followers and will be less seen as commerce.

Examples for throwback posts:

  • One year ago, I attended the … tour with boat bike tours.
  • Memories from tulip tours or a sailing trip.
  • How my life as a tourguide looks like during corona.


8. Invite friends to like our pages

Facebook gives you the option to invite people to like our pages. You should invite people who attended our tours, people who you know from our tours or people who are interested in tours like ours. You can also invite people who are in your Facebook friend list, so make sure you get in contact with interested people. This will help us the increaseour BBT followres and expose our tours to a wider public. In order to do so, you need to search for our facebook pages, click on the three points … and click on “Invite Friends”.