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The information on this page only applies to guests that have booked through Boat Bike Tours B.V. and not to bookings with Boat Bike Tours North America Inc. or third party travel agents.

Tour operators are obliged by applicable Dutch and European law to secure customer received funds and payments in the event of their own insolvency or bankruptcy (in accordance with Section 513a of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek) and EU Package Travel Directive 2015/2302).

Boat Bike Tours (Chamber of Commerce register number 3714 7084) is a participant of the independent SGR (Stichting Garantiefonds Reisgelden) and is registered under number 3.734. This registration can be checked on

The participating tour operators are subject to the guarantee protection of the SGR insolvency guarantee system that is required by law in the Netherlands. Under SGR’s warranty, the prepaid travel sums will be reimbursed to the end user if the tour operator is financially unable to meet its contractual obligations. If the agreement includes transportation and the destination has already been reached, the return trip will be arranged.

Mandatory contribution by the traveler from February 1, 2021
In order to be able to guarantee coverage by the SGR guarantee fund in the future, when booking from February 1, 2021, every traveler (consumer) is obliged to pay a contribution of €5,00 per person per booking to the guarantee fund of SGR. The travel organizer or travel agent (SGR participant) with whom the trip is booked will process these costs in the price of the trip or state the contribution separately on the invoice and/or booking confirmation. The collecting SGR participant (Boat Bike Tours) then transfers this contribution to SGR.

Note: The above translations about SGR are not official SGR translations. SGR only communicates in Dutch and English. The Dutch text on the SGR guarantee system is generally binding.