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Weather Conditions

The weather in the countries we offer tours to, is very different and can change each week, day or even hour. Just check the local weather online and adjust your clothing to it. In the Netherlands it can be wise to wear layers; top, shirt, long-sleeve, sweather, windbraker, raincoat. Just be ready for everything! Check: or a similar site.

The Sail & Bike tours can be a bit of an adventure: they have a set starting point and end, but the day-to-day routes largely depend on the strength of the wind and the wind direction. The captain decides on the sailing route for that day and discusses the possibilities with the guests. The crew will do everything in their power to make sure the programme goes as smoothly as possible and according to plan, ensuring you have a week filled with activities, nature and culture, but it is possible that departure and sailing times and/or the sequence of programme events is adjusted somewhat. Do not worry about that and let the elements lead you!

Program and details barring changes, a.o. as a result of nautical, technical or meteorological reasons.