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Vacancy Tour Guide

Vacancy Tour Guide

Will you be our new Travel Leader who loves to bike and sail around Europe?

Hello, organizational wonder! Do you love biking? And like sailing on comfortable, small-scale passenger ships? Then we have a wonderful job opening for you: tour guide at Boat Bike Tours, a unique travel organization based in Amsterdam. We organize bike-boating vacations in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France. Our guests come from all over the world and to give them all an unforgettable vacation, we need you.

For all our trips: you organize, arrange, cycle and sail.

Together with our guests you will stay on one of our comfortable passenger ships. This is your luxury, sailing hotel. During the day, the guests (sometimes with and sometimes without you) cycle along scenic routes ranging from thirty to sixty kilometers. They pass by places of interest and sometimes make a trip to a city. Of course you can tell something interesting about all parts of the route. You inspire the guests and make them curious about all there is to see and experience.

We have two types of trips and your role is slightly different on one trip than on the other. The next page explains the difference.

You are a people person. And an organizer, an inspiration and an enthusiastic cyclist.

Our tour leaders are special people, because they have a whole range of talents and a large dose of people skills. You fit in perfectly if you understand what people need and are happy to arrange things for them. If it’s not so easy, you don’t panic, but keep thinking calmly and eventually find a solution. You enjoy working together with your fellow trip leaders and with the ship’s crew and you find it necessary for the trip to run smoothly. Perhaps you are also very good at chess, because thinking a few steps ahead is a very natural process for you.

And, since these are, after all, cycling vacations: your fitness level is up to par, so cycling dozens of kilometers is not an issue for you. If you can also tick off the list below, you are even more suitable for the position of tour leader:

→ you speak English and German and preferably one or more other languages as well

→ minor bicycle repairs are no problem for you

→ you can get by with cycling and navigation apps and if not, you will learn them quickly

→ if you also have a completed training at IVOR, the Institute for Training in the Travel Industry, you have an advantage.


What do we offer you in return for all your effort?

Many of our trip leaders are self-employed, others work on a payroll basis. Most trips last 7 days and it is entirely up to you how many weeks you want to work. Depending on your experience, we offer a daily allowance between €160 and €200 gross. On board you will have your own cabin, sometimes small, but cozy and comfortable.

Who is your new employer?

You will be working at Boat Bike Tours, a tour operator in the field of bike-boating vacations. We develop our own trips and sell trips from partners. The focus is mainly on the German market and English-speaking countries outside Europe such as the USA, Canada and Australia.

We are located in Amsterdam Noord, but you won’t be there very often. You will travel around Europe, on luxury ships, with nice guests!

Yes, have you decided? Will you be our new tour guide?

Then apply immediately by sending an email to [email protected]. We are especially curious about your motivation and whether you meet the competencies we mentioned in the job description. Mail us if you have any questions.